Sunday 13 May 2012


Task 3C: Sources Of Information

My main sources of information in my practice:

1)      Staff training- There is weekly training within my school that is open to all interested parties on a weekly basis. This covers a wide array of areas as the training is either delivered by colleagues or outside agencies. Training that has been most beneficial to me has been training in regards to special needs students with the training focusing at how to deal with different special needs in a classroom environment. The most recent being training on autism.

2)      Staff Bulletin- This is weekly bulletin that compiles information that staff need to be aware of for the coming week. This may be so that we are aware of events taking place in the school or of students who are undergoing particular issues either socially or within their health so that we are aware of how to handle any potential situations

3)      TES/LGFL- These websites offer a great deal in terms of existing resources or ideas for activities. They are both an essential source for information in regards to planning activities.

4)      Colleagues- Those who I work with are often a great source of information as they are able to help me reflect upon my own work and how it can be improved. As well as helping me improve work they are able to give me confidence on aspects of my role that I am doing well which is of great help when you are feeling low or uninspired.

5)      Students- Last but certainly not least would be my students. Feedback is almost generated on the spot through emotions shown by students whether they be positive or negative. This can often be the most helpful to me when planning.  


  1. Hi Jon, so do you anticipate your students individual learning needs prior to devising a lesson plan? Or do you use structured improvisation? How do these websites help with this?

  2. hi gemma,

    I am not given 'data' as such on primary kids so it would be difficult to assume what there learning needs are. I kind of use my professional judgement on the spot which I guess would count as 'structured improvisation'

    An example of the use of these websites: LGFL is useful for helping us identify definitions with special needs and offers useful links for medical conditions, information on how to deal with SEN students in our class environment
